So where to begin…………

I suppose summer last year would be best. I was in a rut, I’d say no real direction in the form of a relationship or even really entertaining a relationship. I had unresolved issues with my ex emotionally, so on and so on.  Regarding my EX, I want to say some of the trolls of social media that have sent abusive, racist and down right sick evil messages, about her, her eldest daughter, my daughter and me. My daughter’s mother is a fantastic mum. She is so good for my daughter, she lives to raise those girls so please stop with messages.

Now thats out of the way, back to why, how and what possessed me to go on First Dates.

I was at my old work, when I got an email on my personal account. It must have been spam as it was talking about First Dates, yet I thought why the fuck not. What have I got to lose really? Nothing in the slightest. What can people say? ‘ooooo you went on First Dates and didn’t get a yes’.

Well YES, you can say that but you could also say you went on there and did not do a thing wrong. You were a perfect gentleman.

The entire process is all in all a great experience. From meeting the producer and camera guys to meeting Jordan herself. Who, after first dates has been lovely still stays in contact.

Yes, the french guy was there, yes he is lovely, no I can not set you up with him. Multiple women have asked me this! I have no idea what his favorite food is or what he looks for in a women. STOP ASKING me hahah.

From the producers to the assistants, I want to thank you all. You were all so nice and put me at ease. Even when my anxiety kicked in and didn’t want the episode to air at all. Jordan has been a sport and is a lovely human being who needs to find her Mr Right (not Reid). So fellas as far as I know she’s single hit her up. No dick pics!!!

So the date itself…

It is not staged, you and your date have complete free reign to do what you want on the date and speak about whatever you like. We just so happened to talk about having the same last name. The plights of being tall, the difficulties growing up, being the tallest in school class, friends etc.

Jordan has the most amazing eyes, dresses well and holds herself in the correct manner for the most part. (Saying no is the only wrong manner)

While we got on, had some nice food, decent conversation and bantered. I feel like Jordan expects a to feel a connection with sparks flying,  fairy tales and sunshine straight from the off, Which is great and wonderful but not necessarily reality. While those things are fun, I come from a place where I need to know the woman is worth the investment first. The person is more important than the material possessions, then once you know you are sure, you can then do all the things that 1950’s American tv told us we should do.

I want to address a few things in regards to me as a person. I do like material things, as hypocritical as that sounds. I like designer labels and nice trainers etc

But I still value what a person can bring to the table. Of course looking nice and having being aesthetically pleasing is always a bonus. BUT.. you can’t be fit AND dumber than a bad guest on Jeremy Kyle.

Just a personal preference.

Since the show aired, I have had nothing but positive responses. However, on social media there will always be trolls and lies put on there. The funniest ones are on twitter saying me and Jordan went to the same school as them. Very Bizarre.

As far as Jordan and I know, we are NOT related. We do not have any direct links to each other, however there is talk of doing a DNA test. So watch this space.

I want to take a moment to talk about me and what I am about. I have depression and anxiety. Doing this was a test to myself to get out of my comfort zone. I was in the aforementioned rut if you will. This blog and other projects I have in the works are my way of finding a positive out of a negative. Making something of myself that my parents, daughter, family and friends can be proud of.

I do not pretend to be the perfect person, I have flaws like we all do. I do not make out I have never done things wrong or been the nicest of people at times in my life.

But as of this writing the person you saw on TV is the person I am trying to stay as the person I want to be.

I did not release this for a few weeks because I wanted to really sit and reflect on the response.

It has been insane, from DMs to networking opportunities. Even a girl telling me she wanted to become my sex slave!! Alongside a whole host of craziness since it aired. I honestly can say I am happy with the positive responses I received from the show. It has made me realise I am worth more than what I have been made to think about myself. The funniest thing about all of this is that some people saying I got rejected on national T.V (OH WELL!)

In other news, I have a few projects coming up that I will keep you all updated with that includes what I am hoping to be a mini series of documentaries. I am always looking for people to work with so if you know of anyone then please pass them my instagram @thattallguymisfit.

Author: Thoughts of a misfit

My Inspirations Stem From Intelligent Thoughts M.I.S.F.I.T Over the last few years I’ve had crazy ups and downs. I have a daughter she’s the shining light through the dark. (Corny saying but it’s true) I’m in a working progress state right now. This blog is going to contain my view on upcoming music artists, fashion designers, sportsman, clothing brands etc etc. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I do writing it. Peace Love and Soul Misfit

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